7 Tips to A Positive Birth Experience

Wonderbirth Program - 7 Tips to A Positive Birth Experience

Birth is such an exciting time, however for many women, it's also a time of unknown. So many women fear what will happen to them. They wonder...Will it hurt? Will I cope? What if things go wrong? Am I ready to be a mother? Let me tell you, these are common fears that many people experience leading up to pregnancy, birth and parenthood. However, so much of your experience is actually up to you and the preparation you do both mentally and physically leading up to birth.

What I want for YOU is to have the most positive experience for YOU by understanding YOUR OPTIONS, so you can create a positive birth, in any environment, in any situation.

This MINI COURSE is part 1 of my Wonderbirth Program. It incorporates 7 Tips to help YOU prepare for birth in a POSITIVE, EDUCATIONAL and INSPIRING way to maximise your chances of having a WONDERFUL birthing experience. The course is designed to reduce fear leading up to your birth (not eliminate - as fear is a natural response to the unknown and if we didn't have a little bit of fear we wouldn't be human). And it's not just for women planning a natural birth either, it's relevant for ALL BIRTH TYPES. This mini course will help you surround yourself with inspiring and positive influences, fill your mind with knowledge and approach birth with confidence and WONDER!

THIS MINI COURSE IS DESIGNED TO COMPLIMENT YOUR CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION CLASSES. As more modules become available it will be a complete childbirth education program however for now this module is all about making pregnancy and birth a WONDERful experience and is a great compliment to either my full face to face childbirth education course or your course of choice.

Stay tuned for the next modules coming soon...

With over an hour and a half of video content, workbooks and inspiration to support you in creating a positive birth experience, this course will guide you step by step through my 7 VITAL TIPS FOR A POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE. As a mum who has birthed her children her way, I came away from that experience with a burning desire to share with others what helped me prepare for birth.

It's information that is relevant from the moment you decide you'd like to start a family, up until you're almost ready to birth. No matter what stage you are currently at, this mini course is full of essential information that you need to know leading up to birth. This information is rarely found in regular childbirth education classes. It's about how you can prepare yourself for the birth experience that you want. It provides you with worksheets to tailor the information to your individual experience and get you thinking on a deeper level about your preferences for your birth.

AND.... It's available for you to access in the comfort of your own home. How amazing is that!?

  • Over 1.5hrs of video content with someone who has worked with pregnancy and birth for over 10 years.
  • Individual resource manuals tailored for the parents-to-be, to help you individualise your birth to your needs.
  • Inspiring quotes and affirmations to give you the power to approach birth confidently.
  • Access to a private facebook group of other mum's who have also attended the course, giving you a community to chat, share experiences and be part of the Bliss Wonderbirth Tribe.

What are the BENEFITS of attending classes through Bliss Health & Wellness?

  • Many hospital classes focus on the hospital and what the hospital wants or needs from you. We focus on YOU and what YOUR wants and needs are for birth.
  • You'll receive birth education that inspires you rather than scares you.
  • You'll learn many more techniques to promote a natural birth or if you're having a c/section, how to make the most of your experience.
  • You will get bonus modules and resources added over time. If I add a new topic after you've purchased the course, it will be added to your course for no extra charge. This course is yours for life!
  • You know who you are getting. -----> A woman with over 10 years experience working with women during pregnancy, birth and the weeks after birth. A woman who has a passion for supporting women to birth with confidence AND who has had 2 incredible births of her own. Yes you want to know that I practice what I preach! And last of all... A mother whose passion it is to make the life season of pregnancy, birth and motherhood the most WONDERFUL it can be!

Your Instructor

Jessica Pope
Jessica Pope

Jessica is the owner of Bliss Health + Wellness - Childbirth Education. She started this business after the incredibly empowering birth of her first baby in 2014. She combines her past experience of being a midwife with her personal experience of birthing her own two children, to bring you courses that give you the knowledge to approach your birth with confidence and wonder!

"A huge thank you for your gentle love & support in the lead up to the birth of our little one. Your course definitely help me feel a lot more prepared, confident & a little excited even, for the labour. I came away from the hospital birth classes terrified, from your classes I came away confident that I could trust my body to know what to do. It was a huge contrast. And I'd recommend your course to anyone having a baby soon."

- Kylie Adams, Victoria Australia

"We strongly recommend Jessica and Bliss Health + Wellness to families seeking personal, caring, informative and practical childbirth education."

- Kate & Adrian, Victoria, Australia

"Jessica's birthing course was absolutely perfect for us. Each class felt like she gave us just the right amount of information for us to comfortably process. The course provided non biased and well researched information enabling us to confidently choose the right model of care that suited us and mentally prepare for our birth.

Throughout the course we went from feelings of overwhelm to empowerment and even started to look forward to the birthing experience. When in labour my partner had a great tool kit full of various strategies to support me. This helped me feel safe, connected and out of my head to allow my body to do what it innately knows what to do.

Throughout labour we were able to make decisions together that felt true to us. We were thrilled to give birth to our healthy and happy boy and am extremely grateful for Jess's wisdom, guidance and nurturing that enabled the whole process to be such a positive experience."

- Jessica & Steve, Victoria Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!